Who I Am
A Professional Learning Coach skilled in expanding the leadership capacity of principals and the instructional expertise of teachers, with the goal of improving students’ academic achievement and postsecondary outcomes. I reimagine and design professional learning for principals and teachers within schools and across districts.
A Curriculum Developer specializing in enhancing existing curriculum with rich learning experiences focused on students’ 21st century skills development, with the goal of increasing student readiness for college, career, and life. I focus on the integration of instructional strategies and resources for teaching, assessing, and giving feedback on 21st Century skills.
A Ph.D. Candidate in Cognitive Science in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. I am trained in both quantitative and qualitative research methods, which has allowed me to conduct user-inspired research that yields practical applications for teaching and learning. My primary research Interests are teacher beliefs’ influence on instructional behaviors and the longitudinal effect of school-based skills interventions.
Who I Was
A former Program Director and Instructional Coach within the Office of Postsecondary Readiness at NYC Department of Education.
A former high school teacher. I taught Special Education, English Language Arts, & Musical Theater.
I hold an M.Phil in Cognitive Science from Teachers College, Columbia University, M.S.Ed in Adolescent Special Education from Hunter College - The City University of New York (CUNY), and a B.A. in Art History and International Studies from Boston College.